
Place an order with us by filling out our online project builder.


For each variation desired, enter your quantity, choose the color style, and fill out the exact color name or names (as found on the Record Pressing page).

Please select if you will take overages from pressing. You will be charged per additional record and any supplies/assembly used. A 10% over/under is the industry standard. If you do not select here, any additional records will be discarded.




Notice: All lacquer cutting jobs require a Vinyl Track List to be provided with orders. If you do not have one, download and fill out our PDF version here, include it in your Audio Project Files, and confirm below.

Project Details

Project Files

To submit artwork and audio files, save them in a zipped folder and upload to an online file sharing site such as WeTransfer. Paste the URLs into the inputs below. Please follow submission requirements outlined on the Mastering and Templates pages.

Customer Info


Shipping is Same as Billing


Confirm Order

Please use your finger or mouse to digitally sign this order form. Click "Save" when complete or "Reset" to clear and resign. By signing, you consent to the placing of an order with New Orleans Record Press, and are legally bound by our Terms & Conditions.